Training Event Details

First 5 San Francisco

Exploring Light & Shadow (Introduction to STEAM Education in Early Chilldhood) English
Inital Date/Time: 09/26/2023 / 06:30 PM - 09/26/2023 / 08:00 PM,
Number of sessions: 1
Total Hours: 1.50 Clock Hours
Price: $0.00
Event Type: Web-based Time Specific
Language of Instruction: English
Interpreter Language(s):
Children are naturally attracted to light, to sparkle, to shadows, to colors and movement. How can we explore light with the children we care for, and encourage their deep thinking about these phenomena?
Together we will:
Explore children’s natural attraction to STEAM through the lens of light and Shadow play
Share light play activities, documentation, and resources as we deepen the complexity of these explorations
Inspire ourselves to try new materials, new questions, and new provocations
Meet with other educators to share ideas, challenges, and successes
Web-based Time Specific 09/26/2023 / 06:30 PM - 09/26/2023 / 08:00 PM,
This is an Overview/Introductory training for Teaching Staff, Administration/Leadership Staff, Family Child Care Providers.
Prior knowledge or experience needed:
  • None
This training will cover:
  • Child Development and Learning
  • Learning Environments and Curriculum
Early learning standards/foundations:
  • Infant Care (Birth - 18 Months)
  • Toddler Care (19 - 36 Months)
  • Preschool (3 - 5 Years)
  • Cognitive Development
  • Measurement
  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Number Sense
Is this a Pathway Training? No
Instructor: Casey Federico
Training Contact: Casey Federico , , (415) 307-3444
Training Organization Contact: SFQC ,
Capacity: 30
Enrolled: 4
Waitlist: 0