Training Event Details

Santa Barbara Family Care Center

CCIP Network Night "Administration and Supervision" October 2022/Noche de la red CCIP "Administración y Supervisión", Octubre de 2022
Inital Date/Time: 10/25/2022 / 06:00 PM - 10/25/2022 / 08:00 PM,
Number of sessions: 1
Total Hours: 2.00 Clock Hours
Price: $0.00
Event Type: Web-based Time Specific
Language of Instruction: English, Spanish
Interpreter Language(s):
Two critical components of high-quality early care and education are effective administrative practices and continuous program improvement, both of which allow early childhood professionals to better serve young children and their families and to meet short- and long-term program goals. This competency area describes the knowledge and skills that early childhood educators are expected to have in operations and program development, fiscal management, human resources, and other aspects of administration. Dos componentes críticos del cuidado y la educación temprana de alta calidad son las prácticas administrativas efectivas y la mejora continua del programa, los cuales permiten que los profesionales de la primera infancia sirvan mejor a los niños pequeños y sus familias y cumplan con las metas del programa a corto y largo plazo. Esta área de competencia describe el conocimiento y las habilidades que se espera que tengan los educadores de la primera infancia en las operaciones y el desarrollo de programas, la gestión fiscal, los recursos humanos y otros aspectos de la administración.
Web-based Time Specific 10/25/2022 / 06:00 PM - 10/25/2022 / 08:00 PM,
This is an training for .
Prior knowledge or experience needed:
This training will cover:
  • Administration and Supervision
Early learning standards/foundations:
  • Infant Care (Birth - 18 Months)
  • Toddler Care (19 - 36 Months)
  • Preschool (3 - 5 Years)
  • Adults in ECE
  • Parents/Families
Is this a Pathway Training? No
This training will be most beneficial for Family Child Care. All materials and Zoom Link will be sent out on the day of the training. The Zoom Link is below:
Esta capacitación será más beneficiosa para el cuidado infantil familiar. Todos los materiales y Zoom Link se enviarán el día de la capacitación. El enlace de zoom está a continuación:

CRR is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: CCIP Network Night "Administration and Supervision" Oct 2022/Noche de la red CCIP "Administración y Supervisión", Octubre de 2022
Time: Oct 25, 2022 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Training Contact: Jessica Barriga , , (805)863-6787
Training Organization Contact: Mrs. Karina Acosta , , (805) 925-7071
Capacity: 50
Enrolled: 11
Waitlist: 0