Training Event Details

Santa Barbara Family Care Center

Network Night "Observation, Screening, Assessment and Documentation; Review of the ASQ Tool" April 2025 / Noche de la Red “Observación, Detección, Evaluación y Documentación; Revisión de la Herramienta ASQ” Abril 2025
Inital Date/Time: 04/22/2025 / 06:00 PM - 04/22/2025 / 08:00 PM, Children's Resource & Referral, 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, 93455
Number of sessions: 1
Total Hours: 2.00 Clock Hours
Price: $0.00
Event Type: Classroom/Face-to-Face
Language of Instruction: English, Spanish
Interpreter Language(s): English, Spanish
Participants will learn how to use observation, screening, assessment, and documentation to inform planning for individual children’s learning and development in the FCC home setting with the understanding that observation should be a regular activity because it is essential for gathering information and assessing children’s development and learning as they grow. Los participantes aprenderán cómo utilizar la observación, la detección, la evaluación y la documentación para informar la planificación del aprendizaje y el desarrollo de cada niño en el hogar de FCC, con el entendimiento de que la observación debe ser una actividad regular porque es esencial para recopilar información y evaluar el desarrollo y desarrollo de los niños. aprendiendo a medida que crecen.
Classroom/Face-to-Face 04/22/2025 / 06:00 PM - 04/22/2025 / 08:00 PM, Children's Resource & Referral, 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, 93455
This is an Overview/Introductory training for Teaching Staff, Parents/Families, Family Child Care Providers, Prospective Providers or Students, Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care Providers.
Prior knowledge or experience needed:
  • None
This training will cover:
  • Observation, Screening, Assessment, and Documentation: Participants will learn how to use observation, screening, assessment, and documentation to inform planning for individual childrens learning and development in the FCC home setting with the understanding that observation should be a regular activity because it is essential for gathering information and assessing childrens development and learning as they grow. Los participantes aprendern cmo utilizar la observacin, la deteccin, la evaluacin y la documentacin para informar la planificaci
Early learning standards/foundations:
  • Parents/Families
  • Adults in ECE
Is this a Gateways training? No
This training will be most beneficial for all Providers and Potential Providers. Material will be emailed on the day of the training. Please arrive early as the doors will close at 6:05 as seating is limited. Esta capacitación será más beneficiosa para todos los proveedores y proveedores potenciales. El material se enviará por correo electrónico el día de la formación. Llegue temprano ya que las puertas se cerrarán a las 6:05 ya que los asientos son limitados.
Training Contact: Jill Copeland , , (805) 925-7071
Training Organization Contact: Mrs. Karina Acosta , , (805) 925-7071
Capacity: 50
Enrolled: 0
Waitlist: 0