Training Event Details

Santa Barbara Family Care Center

ASQ-3 Overview/ Repasando ASQ-3 November 2023
Inital Date/Time: 11/04/2023 / 09:00 AM - 11/04/2023 / 01:00 PM, Children's Resource & Referral of SBC, 2861 Airpark Drive, 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, 93455
Number of sessions: 1
Total Hours: 4.00 Clock Hours
Price: $0.00
Event Type: Classroom/Face-to-Face
Language of Instruction: English, Spanish
Interpreter Language(s): English, Spanish
The training will focus on the overview of the ASQ-3 and the process of what follows
when parents return the ASQ-3 to providers. We will discuss strategies on how to give
the ASQ to parents and how to talk to parents about the score results. Participants have
to register using the workforce registry, please have ASQ-3 on hand.

La capacitación se enfocará en la descripción general del ASQ-3 y el proceso que se
sigue cuando los padres devuelven el ASQ-3 a los proveedores. Discutiremos
estrategias sobre cómo dar el cuestionario a los padres y cómo hablar con ellos sobre
los resultados de las calificaciones. Los participantes deben registrarse utilizando el
registro de la fuerza laboral; tenga a la mano su ASQ-3.

Classroom/Face-to-Face 11/04/2023 / 09:00 AM - 11/04/2023 / 01:00 PM, Children's Resource & Referral of SBC, 2861 Airpark Drive, 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, 93455
This is an Overview/Introductory training for Family Child Care Providers, Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care Providers.
Prior knowledge or experience needed:
  • None
This training will cover:
  • Observation, Screening, Assessment, and Documentation
Early learning standards/foundations:
  • Adults in ECE
Is this a Gateways training? No
The training will focus on the overview of the ASQ-3 / La capacitación se enfocará en la descripción general del ASQ-3
This training will take place in-person, in both Spanish and English. and will be beneficial for both Center-Base & Family Child Care. Please arrive early as the doors will close at 9:15 am.
Esta formación se realizará de forma presencial, tanto en español como en inglés. y será beneficioso tanto para el cuidado infantil familiar como en el centro. Llegue temprano ya que las puertas se cerrarán a las 9:15 am.
Training Contact: Miriam Huerta , , (805) 963-6631
Training Organization Contact: Mrs. Karina Acosta , , (805) 925-7071
Capacity: 50
Enrolled: 0
Waitlist: 0