Training Event Details

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Child Care Resource Center

SEFEL: Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Inital Date/Time: 11/03/2020 / 06:00 PM - 11/03/2020 / 08:00 PM,
Number of sessions: 1
Total Hours: 2.00 Clock Hours
Price: $0.00
Event Type: Web-based Time Specific
Language of Instruction: English
Interpreter Language(s):
This workshop will focus on the Social and Emotional Foundations (SEFEL) for Early Learning. Participants will learn strategies to strengthen the capacity of child care programs to improve the social/emotional outcomes of young children
Web-based Time Specific 11/03/2020 / 06:00 PM - 11/03/2020 / 08:00 PM,
This is an training for .
Prior knowledge or experience needed:
This training will cover:
  • Child Development and Learning
Early learning standards/foundations:
  • Preschool (3 - 5 Years)
Is this a Gateways training? Yes
MODULE 3 Session 1. Please log on 5 minutes before the start time if you need technical assistance. This training is the Module 3 first session. you must have taken Module 1 and 2 in order to register for Module 3 training sessions. If you took the training in person but did no finish you will be allowed to participate in the modules you have not completed.
Training Contact: Mrs. Angelica Preciado ,
Training Organization Contact: Mrs. Angelica Preciado ,
Capacity: 35
Enrolled: 0
Waitlist: 0